ISBN: 978-1-949790-29-0 ebook - $2.99 - 100 pages
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My Bariatric Year Tim Hatch
My Bariatric Year is an insider's look at author Tim Hatch's weight-loss surgery. With entries dealing with tough topics like self-image and self-evaluation, this is a fascinating look at coping, reflection, and relearning the process of living.
books in the series: My Bariatric Year

Poet Timothy Hatch's work explores themes of abuse, fragility, and our human obligation to one another. His ongoing documentation about his weight-loss surgery is a fascinating look at coping, reflection, and relearning the process of living.
Hatch earned his MFA at Cal State University, San Bernardino. His poetry and writing has appeared in MungBeing, Salmon Bosch, East Jasmine Review, The Vehicle, Touch: The Journal of Healing, and Apeiron Review.